Tuesday, April 30, 2013

October 2012: Amit & Priya

(Again...sorry if you get this post in your in box more than once!)
Amit and Priya, friends we met while Brett was at Stanford, visited us last October.  They are just the cutest and sincerest people.  Seriously.  

We love when they stop by when they are in town.  They always jump right in with the kids and have a great time.  Hank LOVES Priya because she is so sweet (and pretty!) and hank LOVES Amit because he will run around and chase Hank and basically do anything Hank sweet talks him into doing.  When Hank says Priya he says "pweeya".  (For the record, he also calls the Prius the "pweeus".  Kills me every time!!)

Priya, Hank, Charlotte, Amit, and Ruby
The attempted three-child shot.  Fairly successful.

Priya is in dental school and we told Hank all about that.  He had recently been to the dentist so he was well aware of what dentists do.  For a few months after he saw Priya we were able to invoke the name of Priya in order to get Hank to brush his teeth thoroughly.  It was great.  But since it's been a while since we've seen them, her influence has worn off.  Bummer.

Another cute thing about their visit, is that while they were here, Hank showed them that he sleeps wth the hippo stuffed toy they gave him as a baby.  He sleeps with the hippo, along with a slew of other toys, in his bed each night.

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