Thursday, August 23, 2012

Family photo shoot in May


We had a professional photo session in May, generously gifted by a group of friends.  Thank you Sandy, Leon, Nick, Lorianne, Pam,Tom, Peter and Ann!!! THANK YOU! THANK YOU!
It has taken me a while to post these because it has taken me a while to get over the fact that Hank ran in the opposite direction THE.ENTIRE.TIME. and left me with only one photo of the three of my children.  Only one!  And it looks like this:

I kinda get all kinds of uptight just looking at that picture.
This is no joke.  She took hundreds of photos that day and this is the only one where he actually stayed in the frame with his sisters long enough to be captured on film.

Beforehand, I had told myself it might go down like this so at the actual shoot I wasn't too frazzled.  Thankfully, we brought our beloved babysitter Katie (Lorianne's cousin) with us anticipating that we might need help wrangling Hank.  We needed her every minute.  She was a lifesaver.  The kid just lost his ever loving mind.  It was as if he had never been outdoors before.  We even bribed him with candy.  He outsmarted us and would come grab every piece we offered and just run away.   He was happy the entire time, not acting out or throwing a tantrum or anything like that, but he was just in his own world and could not be convinced to come near us at all.  It was just one big hilarious game to him.

Oh to be two years old...
On this day it was unseasonably cold!  I had the cutest little coral dresses for the girls but it was too cold so I put on their cardigans and jeggings so you can barely see any of the sweet little ruffles.  There was no way they could have lasted out there without layers.  They would have turned blue!  

Moving on now.   I will stop being a downer.  :)

On the bright side, Hank looked cute in his seersucker pants that I made him.  Ha! 

There are many shots that I am extremely happy with and we will always cherish them!  We have some pretty fabulous friends to give us this gift!!  Here are some of my favorites.  Enjoy!
Charlotte with her Dad
Ruby and Charlotte
Char (L)  Ruby (R).  If it looks like I am holding on to Hank for dear life in these, it is because I was.
Ruby and her Mom
Engagement photo.
Gorgeous Katie!

1 comment:

Pam VS said...

These are great Angie! I would have never know that the girls' outfits weren't planned or that Hank was running wild :) Seriously, they're beautiful! Especially the ones of the 5 of you.

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