Saturday, August 25, 2012

Swimming double header

Two weekends ago we had a swimming double header.  On Friday night we met up with our dear friends the Grays and swam at their country club pool.  No one was there but us and a few other people!  It was so much fun to have the place practically all to ourselves.  Our kiddos liked that a lot!

I tried food "pouches" out on the girls for the first time.  They both loved it and went bonkers when I held it for them to feed it to them.  They wanted to do it all by themselves and pushed me away.  These are really handy to have on outings where the girls need to eat at the same time as us.  I get to eat at the same time as them!  Maybe I'll get to have fewer cold meals?  The girls also got their feet in the water at the pool and enjoyed being held a lot by all of us adults!

Henry loved being with Kate and Jillian.  We had a play date with them earlier in the week so when we got to the pool he was very excited to see them again  The three of these kiddos were practically inseparable at the pool.  Hank kept calling them "princesses".  He has been doing that a lot lately whenever he sees something frilly.  He thinks anything frilly belongs to a princess.  I do not know where he gets this stuff from.  

Kate and Hank enjoy more dinner right before we were heading home...all showered up and in their jammies.  He didn't get to bed until 9pm this night because we stayed at the pool way past bedtime.  He kept telling me on the way home "Mom it's really late".  So cute!

The next day we met up with the Chens and went to their pool at the JCC in Palo Alto.  This place was like a miniature amusement park.  Crazy! Hank loved all of the water shooting out of stuff.

Fun frog slide.  Hank spent quite a lot of time going down this slide repeatedly.

Leon and Max.

Sandy and I hung out with the girls on the sidelines.  Ruby enjoyed getting some fun time with Sandy.
I think we are rapidly approaching the end of the good run we've had the past 10.5 months with the girls being chill in stroller.  They have had enough and are ready to enjoy the world just like Hank gets to do.  When we go places now they do well in the stroller for a while but then they start letting me know they want to get in the action.  They either want to keep strolling or get out.  I have been pretty lucky I would say.

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