Wednesday, October 31, 2012


Practicing trick-or-treating before we head out into the neighborhood.

In action at his first house.

Pit stop to adjust his shoes and lion feet.

This is the only photo I could get of him in action tonight.  He was lightening fast.

We had so much fun trick-or-treating tonight.  We started off with Hank going to houses by himself.  We then worked our way one street over and connected up with a group that we knew and continued on with them.  Hank was the youngest of the bunch.  It was crazy.  Those grade schoolers can trick-or-treat for real!!  One of the moms looked at Brett and I and said "this will be you in a few years".

Hank kicked it into high gear with the big kids and learned very quickly how to trick-or-treat like a pro.  He was running up to every door just like them and squeezing himself in there and sticking his bag out for candy.  In general he kept his manners, took only one piece of candy and said thank you, but sometimes he would get so excited like the others and once the candy hit his bag he would take off running like a wild man.

The other parents we were with were very impressed with his speed and ability to hang with the bigger kids.  (I think he must be extremely fast for his age - all bragging aside - because many parents say that to us when they see him running and playing out at the park).  He was so fast and nimble as he ran down the sidewalks, scurried across lawns, skipped over plants, leaped over steps, and hurdled uneven terrain.  I was sure he was going to wipe out a dozen times but he again put his night vision to work and never once faltered. 
He fit right in with the big kids and it was a treat for us to watch him.  He is growing up and I have to remember he's not a baby.  It got kinda old with me telling him to "watch his step" over and over so I gave it a rest and just let him be.  Our little guy is growing up and I need to let him have at it and if he falls, he falls.  Besides, usually when he falls he doesn't want me to do anything about it anyway!  He's a very strong and tough little lion.
Funny stuff that happened tonight included:
1.  Right when Hank would get candy he would turn and declare he needed to hurry up to get to the next house.
 2.  He "roared" at people all night.
3.  When we went up to a few houses that looked creepy and spooky he would tell some of the other kids "it's not scary."  One of the dads put on a mask and tried to scare the kids and Hank went up to him and said "it's not scary."  Then he walked off.
4.  He did NOT want me to touch his candy bag when we were out.  I offered to hold it for him since it was getting really full but he said he NEEDED it.  (I made his bag using a glue gun and felt so I wasn't sure it was up to the heavy burden he was placing on it by dragging it through the bushes and slinging it in the air.  To my surprise it stood up to the abuse and even fit a remarkable amount of candy.  I grossly underestimated the amount of candy he was going to bring home.  Wow.)
When we got home he asked for some milk and a piece of candy.  He put on a little show for us:
He drank his milk and ate his piece of chocolate with his eyes closed.  He told us he was pretty tired.  Of course he was tired, he ran for almost two hours without stopping!!!  The only down side to tonight was that when trick-or-treating was done and Hank declared it was time to go home he said he was too tired to walk.  I carried him on my back with Ruby in the baby carrier on my front for the 10 minute walk home.  Charlotte slept soundly on Brett on the way home.  Hank is getting heavy so it was a little rough there but we made it and Ruby laughed her head off the entire time at seeing Hank's little lion head peeking at her over my shoulder. 

Another successful night out celebrating.  Despite all the action, all of our kids were in bed again by 8pm!  Tomorrow we get back to normal and bed time at 7pm.  Yay!



Anonymous said...

He has his moms fast feet!

Anonymous said...

Also there is a song at church we sing that says roar like a lion that I just thought of and will forever think of Henry now :)

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