Friday, April 13, 2012



Easter 2012...where to begin?  Pretty much nothing went as planned but oh well.  What's that they say about the best laid plans?  Such is life with three little ones!  And this little life is a pretty good one so I can't complain.  
First up, on Saturday morning we went to the city of Menlo Park's annual egg hunt with the Chen and Koranda/Forcier families.  I was so excited because it was going to be Hank's first official egg hunt ever.  We had practiced at home in our yard the day before so he was trained and ready.  I was totally going to be there right up front to take pictures and everything.  Well, the girls weren't ready to leave the house when it was time to go so Brett and Hank went without us.  By the time I was able to get there, find a parking spot, unload the girls into a stroller and walk several blocks to the park...the egg hunt had started and was over almost immediately.  I missed it.  No pictures of Hank scoring his loot.  Brett was too busy with Hank to be able to take pictures.  Afterward, all of our crew's kiddos played at the park and then we went to Chipotle.  The kids were so adorable sitting together at the end of the table.  Hank was on his best behavior and even sat there and ate really well.  He always does better when he's with other kids.  We all kept saying that Teagan and Hank look like they could be siblings!  Random side note:  At the egg hunt, two different people asked if they could take pictures of the girls.  People are fascinated by twins I tell ya.  They are like a tourist attraction.

Before bed time that night we dyed our Easter eggs. Hank wasn't as into it as I thought he would be.  He cared more about trying to cook them in the toaster oven.  (We keep the toaster oven unplugged because a lot of things get put in there on a daily basis.) 

Our final product...which we never did anything with and they stayed in this carton the rest of the weekend.  Except for the one or two that Brett handed to Hank on Easter morning and he promptly bashed open in the living room. We ran out of time to hide them in the morning.  But it was fun to look at them!  Such high hopes...

Easter morning...where to start???  I spent the time to make Easter dresses for the girls and some fun little pants for Hank and this is the best picture I got of all three of them.  It was my own fault.  The TV was on and not a single one of those kids would look at me.  (I couldn't turn off the TV yet because that would mean Hank would be upset and not sit for a picture anyway!)  One second later Hank tried to move the girls off of him so we scooped them up and got ready to leave.  The girls rarely see the TV so this was so funny to me to see them engrossed with it so much.  I was kinda freaked out by it so they only got to watch for a minute.

At church, they always have a pancake breakfast and egg hunt after the service.  I was looking forward to getting pictures of Hank hunting eggs finally!  Well wouldn't you know, that didn't exactly happen.  After Hank sat like a little angel and ate his pancakes he ran off and found a patch of soggy, muddy grass and fell in it.  Mud covered his back side and he didn't like it.  He wanted his pants off immediately.  He started stripping his own pants off.  Letting Hank hunt for eggs with no pants on didn't seem very polite and since he was real upset about being muddy we decided to head home.  I learned a valuable mom lesson...always pack additional clothes for the toddler too.  At least I was able to have a couple of pancakes so it wasn't all a total loss.

Once we got home after church, Hank headed straight to the back yard to play.  Within 10 minutes he was butt naked and running around in the yard.  I'll spare you those photos.  How is that for an Easter morning?

We rounded out the day with a super delicious dinner over at the Chens' house.  Hank talks about Max all the time and he has been saying "I go to Max house" all week since then.  It is so cute to see their budding friendship.

As I write this I can laugh at all the mishaps.  None of this is what Easter is about anyway.  I know with my whole heart that Easter is first and foremost about Jesus but all the other things are fun too.  Here's to many more chaotic holidays!!  


1 comment:

sandy c said...

Even with all the craziness, I am so glad you guys were able to make it out. We loved seeing you all, all weekend long! :)

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